Membership Benefits
Membership at Triple Threat Fencing Academy includes:
– Coaching and instruction from our world-class coaches and mentors
– Access to our new, state-of-the-art training facility
– The option to compete as a member of T3 at USA Fencing competitions
– Access to a friendly, inclusive fencing community
Membership prices are per month (not per class). Ask about family discounts!
Competitive Track Membership: $200 per month
This is full membership. Classes and tuition are based on skill level. Two classes per week are included in regular monthly tuition of $200. (For kids under 8 or special circumstances, email about classes and pricing.) Membership is required to attend Open Bout Sessions (fencers at intermediate level or above with gear) or to take Private Lessons with the coaches.
Homeschool Membership: $140 per month
Our homeschool program is on Thursday mornings for $140/ per monthly session. Homeschool members at intermediate level (ask your coach!!!) and above are invited to Open Bout sessions. Homeschool members may take Private Lessons with the coaches.
Adult Beginners Session: TRY SOMETHING NEW! Maybe a fun weekday date night? Make new friends! New Session starts soon for Spring! March 19-April17. Looking for participants and interest! Email to get on the list for this session. More info:
Intro to Fencing–Kids Beginner Session: Saturdays at 12pm! Once a week classes for brand new fencers to learn the basics. Age 6 to 12. $165 includes free trial and 4 classes (5 classes total). Email us to reserve a spot!
Equipment: All fencers are encouraged to get their own gear as soon as possible. Beginner fencers may borrow gear for class for $25 month (waived the first month!). It’s more fun with your own stuff– Recreational AND Competitive Track Fencers should have their own gear. To move to intermediate classes, fencers must have all the gear as noted above unless special arrangements are made. Intermediate Classes use the electric scoring equipment for bouting practice. Competition fencers should have full practice and electric gear. There is a charge for borrowing gear for extended periods. Email us if you have questions or special circumstances.
Please note class levels and equipment requirements: New fencers should focus on classes noted as the Foundational Classes. These classes cover fundamental fencing skills to build the foundation for more advanced classes and competition. Remember – Open Bout sessions are for self-sufficient (no coaching or assistance provided) intermediate & competition level fencers (personal gear, including sword and electric). If you’re not sure of your level, just ask your coach!
Long pants are required for all fencing classes for safety. NO SHORTS.